Humans We Heart: International Women’s Day Edition

This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating ladies who thrive in all kinds of creative fields (styling, cooking, acting, singing—you name it) and connecting them with the next generation of soon-to-be success stories. We partnered with our pals at Girls Inc. for a special mentoring event, where a select panel chatted with young girls in attendance about the many paths out there for them to pursue, plus made confidence-boosting collages together. Our panelists are keeping the insight coming with the following thoughts on creativity—prepare to be inspired.
Gillian Jacobs, actor
“Creativity is pulling together all of your disparate interests and making something brand new. Using my imagination has fueled me since I was a kid playing with toys in my basement. It has allowed me to imagine worlds, develop characters, write stories and push myself into new fields like directing. Anyone pursuing a creative path hears ‘no’ more than ‘yes.’ Don't be discouraged, try and find the lesson in the ‘no’ and keep going.”

Cheyenne Adler, social media expert
“Growing up, I always dreamed of living in New York City and would imagine what that looked like. I had no clue what I wanted to do, but that was where my creativity came in—there were so many possibilities. I've used that mindset in every opportunity to not just settle with my given role or where I was at that moment, but to use my imagination at what ‘could be’ or how I could always push things a little further. If I was at an internship, I was always thinking of how I could go above and beyond or contribute my point of view—and that’s always helped me stand out.”
Sarah Slutsky, stylist
“My advice? Always be curious. Be willing to absorb new ideas everywhere. Learn about the creative process of others you admire and ask questions about how their ideas became a business. Trust your instincts, but also be open to growth and development in channels that you didn’t expect. Always be asking yourself how you can solve a problem. With creative thinking there is always a solution!”

Deva Mahal, musician
“In my opinion, creativity is the inexplicable need and ability to imagine what could be and then breathe it into life. Without my desire to create and connect, I would not be who I am today. Creativity can be a conduit that leads you to your future, if you let it.”
Camille Becerra, chef and food stylist
“Creativity is work you do to combine both your interests and imagination. It’s focusing on ideas and growing them to enhance your art, work or spiritual evolution. For me, it’s important to keep evolving my art and work. The more I work on the craft, the deeper my understanding. In turn, that comfort in my craft gives me the courage to explore creatively.”
Alice Bucaille, creative director
“I would define creativity as being curious and inspired by lots of things, and turning them into something unique. To make it in a creative field, you need to put in hard work and find the right team—that’s the only way to grow and move forward. You also have to be sure you like your path enough that even if you fail at it for many years, you won’t give up.”

Emily Eisenhart, artist
“I encourage anyone wishing to pursue a creative path to make, make and make some more. It takes time to build your skills and develop your unique style. I also encourage asking for help. When I went out on my own, there were many things I didn’t know. I had a million questions. I called friends in the industry and picked their brains about everything from project scoping to pricing to what creative tools to use. Lastly, I recommend people pay attention to what enlivens them. What gives you that twinkle in your eye? Identify it, press the gas and don’t look back.”
Gabrielle Richardson, curator
“The definition of creativity is originality, using your dreams and passions to create and formulate ideas, and bring them to reality. Creativity comes from a place of love and comes from a need to manifest your dreams into the world. I think being creative has helped me survive, honestly. If I didn’t have a dream that I felt compelled to fulfill from a young age I wouldn’t be where I am. My passion to create art and have a safe space where others can also create has introduced me to so many beautiful people who have changed my life forever.”
Thanks so much to our panel and Girls Inc. Learn more about the important work Girls Inc. does and shop our collection in support of their mission here.