FALL ’24

Everyone has that one pair

Every pair of jeans tells a story, and every good story goes back to denim…


Blue’s one pair is

the Dean Easy

Finding that one pair

is like finding your soulmate.

Pleated Denim Trouser Short

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Rajni’s one pair is

the Superwide Cuffed

Do you see a connection between clothes and memories?

Every piece of denim I have is tied to a memory.

Pleated Denim Trouser Short

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Coco’s one pair is

the Low Slung Baggy

One word to describe that one pair.


Pleated Denim Trouser Short

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Nile’s one pair is

the 1991 Straight

What makes that one pair “that one pair”?

When you finally find them, they’re truly irreplaceable.

Pleated Denim Trouser Short

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