5 Ways To Refresh In 2019, C/O Designer Jordan Obi

Feeling like it’s time to hit the reset button on, well, everything? A new year on the calendar is the perfect excuse to reassess and learn to live better. We asked our friend, NYC-based digital product designer Jordan Obi, to share the ways he’s doing just that, from finding gratitude in the little things to recycling his old jeans.
1. SAY “NO”
“I realized that since I graduated college and moved to New York, I hadn’t stopped saying ’yes’—to new opportunities, new responsibilities, new relationships. I found myself exhausted and overcommitted. Now I plan to say ’no’ more often and protect my time, energy and happiness.”
“In the past, I’d sometimes feel guilty when I wasn’t working, exercising or making things. I’d catch myself thinking about how to monetize my hobbies or use them to get new opportunities. This year I’m refreshing by not allowing my productivity to define my self-worth and by appreciating how rest, relaxation and just goofing off can be its own form of productivity.”
“Mornings used to be a mad dash for me. I’d rush getting dressed, skip breakfast and sprint to the train, all the while blasting music through headphones and scrolling feeds to catch up on what I’ve missed. Now I’m trying to wake up early and sit still. I’m making myself tea, something sweet. I’m turning the volume down, walking to the train, listening to the sounds of the city and giving my brain room to breathe.”
“I have so much to be thankful for, and last year I took a lot of that for granted. When the world feels like it’s spinning too fast, reflecting on the things that tether me to it puts things in perspective and helps me see the glass half full. I’m starting a running list of things big and small that I’m grateful for—it helps me find happiness in more places.”
“There’s no better time to clear out the things I don’t wear often and refocus on the pieces I’m really into. My wardrobe is especially denim-heavy, so I’ll be taking the pairs that don’t make the cut to Madewell for recycling, then choosing new ones more mindfully.”
Thanks for the tips, Jordan. Feeling inspired? Learn more about how to recycle your old jeans with Blue Jeans Go Green™ and turn ’em into housing insulation for organizations like Habitat for Humanity here.