5 Ways To Refresh In 2019, C/O Photographer Alivia Latimer

Even jet-setting adventurers like Alivia Latimer need to slow things down every once in a while. We caught up with the Portland-based photographer slash blogger to chat about her plans for resetting in the new year—think everything from more mindful closet cleanouts to bedtime sans the phone scroll.
“I love shopping, but this year I’m trying to be more mindful as a consumer. If I bring in a new piece of clothing, I need to part with one I currently have. In the past I might have tried to sell it online or take it to an exchange store for credit, but there’s just so much need in the world—so I’ve been finding local organizations I can donate to instead. I love that Madewell works with Blue Jeans Go Green to recycle old denim, since you know it’ll be going to a happy home (literally, because the jeans get transformed into housing insulation).”
“I’m excited about how everyone is becoming more conscious about single-use plastics. A big one for me is carrying a reusable metal straw rather than accepting plastic ones at restaurants. I also have a reusable water bottle and Keep Cup for coffee on-hand. They’re barista-approved, so even if you don’t want to make your own at home, you can order your favorite drinks at cafes without the waste.”
“It’s really hard not to be on your phone when you have a little downtime—but the problem is that the blue light our screens emit keeps us awake. I know it’s not good for my quality of sleep and overall mindset, so I want to get in the habit of leaving my phone away from my bed, getting an actual alarm clock to wake me up and reading, writing or just thinking and reflecting before I sleep.”
“I’ve found it’s much better for your skin to use beauty products with plants and natural oils as opposed to fragrances and chemicals. For household products, I’m trying to stick to soy-based and essential oil candles, or even just diffusing essential oils. I also love Dr. Bronner’s soap—it has like 18 different uses: dishes, hands, I’ve even used it on my face before. I’m so committed to a completely chemical-free, all-natural house this year!”
“I want to put an emphasis on living intentionally and not saying yes to things just because I may feel pressured. Our culture makes it seem like if you’re not constantly going, going, going, then you aren’t successful or happy, and I don’t want to feed into that anymore. Before making any decisions, I plan on asking myself: ‘Is this going to add value to my life? What’s the goal?’ And if it’s just to fill space or time, then I don’t think it’s the best idea.”
Thanks for the tips, Alivia. Ready to get started on step one? Learn more about how to recycle your old jeans with Blue Jeans Go Green™ and turn ’em into housing insulation for organizations like Habitat for Humanity here.
Plus, Portland friends can come and recycle with Alivia at our Brewery Blocks store on January 20th from 1–4pm. You’ll get a special $30 towards new denim for each pair you recycle (yup, up from the usual $20) and there’ll be sips and snacks on hand too. See you there.